
Amanda Jaggers
August 31, 2022

Fundraising on a Budget

How can you run a successful fundraising event on a tight budget? Listed below are some tips. Start by determining what your preferred communication channel is. Then, select a strategy that will help you reach out to your donors. A great way to get feedback is by sending out surveys. These can be sent out […]

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Amanda Jaggers
July 27, 2022

Venture Capital vs. Private Equity

When it comes to raising money for your company, there are some important differences between venture capital and private equity. Both have their merits. Both have the potential to reduce risk and accelerate expansion. However, private equity firms have recently begun doing growth stage deals, changing the traditional risk/return profile. While private equity firms still […]

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Amanda Jaggers
July 5, 2022

When Should Children Be Taught About Investing?

When should we start teaching our children about investing? Your child must understand that investing is a long-term endeavor. This is why you should teach your child about investing through ETFs and mutual funds. You should also teach your children to periodically review their investments so that they can see how well they are performing. […]

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Amanda Jaggers
May 24, 2022

funding from the public the future of startups

got money from a lot of people. Venture capitalists may still be able to fund startups. The crowd is becoming more and more important to the startup eco-system. This is a relatively new and different way to get money. Even though many early-stage investors still have the advantage of prestige. Governance and advice, crowd-funded startups […]

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March 25, 2022

Fundraising Activities in New Braunfels, TX

In Amanda Jaggers opinion if you’re looking for great fundraising ideas in New Braunfels, TX, look no further than the many local organizations. From realtor groups to young professionals, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to get involved with a local cause or charity. Not only will you be able to meet other people, and have […]

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